
27 Weeks

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This week has been really good.  I haven't had much discomfort and I've been sleeping pretty good.  I feel myself getting a little more tired now that the third trimester is here.  My feet and hands have started to swell.  I think it might be time to take off my engagement ring before I can't anymore :(  I'm going to wear it on a necklace.  This week I started to panic about daycare and pediatricians, haha (to the point where some tears may have been shed at work).  It's time to start calling and checking them out next week.  I've also started getting more nervous about giving birth.  This book has REALLY been helping and I strongly recommend it.  I'm such a planner and like things to go the way I expect them to.  I can plan and expect all I want to, but I know things may or may not go the way I want them to.  I'm still dreaming about the "perfect" birth plan though.  I felt Everett have the hiccups for the first time :)Week 27